Monday, February 18, 2013


Lately, I have been so lonely.  Yeah, why don't I go and do something about that? Well, why should I? I just feel like it wouldn't do any good to put myself out there. It is a hopeless world out there for the hopeless romantic person that I am. 

Naw, I don't expect a white knight to come riding up and swoop me up in his arms and take me away so that we can live happily ever after.  I DO believe that through Heavenly Father all things are possible and so I do think that if he wanted me to meet someone, He would have.  Or will make it so that our paths will cross in spite of reluctance to get out there and do something about it.  Ha!  It will never happen.  

A Roller Coaster Ride

   Being single is like being on a roller coaster.  I have so many ups and downs.  Well, maybe not SO many ups.  But one minute I'm saying I can do this and the next moment I am missing someone so much, it hurts!
   I suffer for the most part in silence, because honestly, who wants to hear me whine and bemoan my lot?  But I'm not fooling anyone.  They know. I'm sorry that they know. I don't want them to know.  
   It is my fault after all.  If I would just get out there, I'd find someone or if I were more beautiful, smart, skinny, faithful, righteous...  Yeah, no one can go through the lists of why I'm not married or with someone, better than me.
   Oh how I long to let go and be happy.  I try.  I pray for it.  I do everything I can think of.  Right now I just want to put my head on someone's shoulder and have them rub my head and tell me it will be alright.  I ache for that. Oh crap, I'll never have that.  Durn life anyway!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013


   Okay, so I lied. I try really hard to look at things positively...eventually. If I use this blog to talk about how I really feel a lot of the time, it will sound so negative. Let it be known, always, that the bottom line of my life is that I have been very blessed!!!  I know it and I know that Heavenly Father knows how much he has tried to help me out - over and over and over and over again.  I know that and believe it with all my heart.
So when I say negative things here and share what is going on in my head, it  is just sharing a moment of time, not always the biggest part or the most important parts.

I lied about accepting my situation and I lied about it being okay. Well, maybe I just made it sound a little more rosy than it actually is.  Because, honestly, it is the pits!  It is so different being single.  Most people have no idea. I still remember one sunny afternoon looking out my dining room windows.  I was watching my husband, Rob, leave to go see a single sister in our branch who was struggling. I felt great compassion for that sister and prayed that I would never have to go through that experience.  I loved being married, adored my husband, and was terrified that some day I would have that "single" status as well.  It was one of the worst things I could imagine for myself.

And here I am almost 18 years after my divorce, still single. I hate it, most of the time.  I miss so many things about being married.  Every time I hear a woman complain about her husband I hurt inside.  Sometimes it is justified, under rare conditions such as abuse, but for the most part, it makes me kind of mad and sad.  Does she realize how lucky she is?

I hate it when people tell me how lucky I am that I don't have to answer to a husband and that I can do whatever I want to do.  It feels so condescending. I hate it when people talk about marriage in the next life and how lucky we are to have that.  And I hate it when people who have never been divorced try to tell me how I feel or should feel.

Sorry that I lied, I just wanted to make the best of it and not share the worst of it.